Summer Growers Tour in Alberta

The Landscape Alberta Nursery Producers summer tour is being held in Alberta this year in conjunction with the CNLA meetings being held at Olds College.  On August 15, the tour will depart from the Pomeroy Inn at Olds College and head south towards a multi-sector tour of Calgary area landscape and nursery focused stops.  The tour includes stops at Blue Grass Nursery and Garden Centre, a new park development along the Elbow River by Alpha Better Landscaping, a tour at Foothills Nursery and finally a barbecue dinner at the Calgary Yacht Club.

For more information and to register, please visit:

Changes to the Canada-Alberta Job Grant – more incentives to train employees

There are now more ways for Alberta businesses and workers to benefit from the Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG) training subsidy.

1. As always, get up to two-thirds of the cost of training covered for eligible current employees, up to $10,000 per trainee.
2. Up to 100% of training costs reimbursed when hiring and training eligible unemployed Albertans, up to $15,000 per trainee.
3. Sole proprietors can now apply to CAJG to train their employees.
4. Travel assistance will allow more businesses outside Edmonton and Calgary, to train their employees.

The Canada-Alberta Job Grant can help provide your workers with the training they need to support and advance your business, whether they are new to the job or moving up in the organization. Check the applicant guidelines for eligibility criteria and apply for CAJG funding today.

Learn more about the changes to the Canada-Alberta Job Grant at an upcoming webinar. Get answers to your questions during a live Q & A session. Register for the webinar here.

Thank you to our donors and volunteers!

On July 7 and 8, 2017, Landscape Alberta and a group of local landscape companies worked to build a new park in Chestermere, AB, converting the skateboard park into a premiere park for the community to enjoy. The vision was to develop a park which would foster community engagement and be a landscaping showcase for the City.

The idea coincided with the establishment of the Reidbuilt Center for Community Leadership, which is intended to support local non-profit organizations. Recently Chestermere City Council and staff have agreed to support this project and re-allocated funding for much-needed irrigation and a more robust landscaping plan was developed. The park contains 81 trees, 415 potted plants, 354 cu yds of mulch and 40,000 sq ft of sod.

Thank you to the following companies for their generous in-kind contribution of time, talent and resources.

Alpha Better Landscaping Inc.
Foothills Nurseries Ltd.
ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc.
Alta West Tree Movers
Brazel Construction Ltd
Burnco Landscape Centres Ltd.
Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd.
Eagle Lake Professional Landscape Supply
Foothills Landscaping (2000) Ltd.
Genuine Earthworks
Heatherglen Golf Course
Homescapes Complete Landscape Construction
Kiwi Irrigation Ltd.
Manderley Turf Products Inc.
Pollyco Group
Saunders Construction Ltd
The Grounds Guys
The Professional Gardener Co. Ltd.
Top Spray
Wheatland Trees Ltd.
Wilco Contractors SW

2021 Census of Agriculture Content Consultations

The Consultation Process

Statistics Canada has begun preparations for the 2021 Census of Agriculture. As a first step, Statistics Canada asks data users and other interested parties across Canada to share their views on how they use Census of Agriculture data and the type of information they believe should be collected. The goal of the 2021 consultation process is to confirm information needs, identify data gaps, understand potential emerging agricultural issues, and establish data priorities while balancing respondent burden and cost.

How to get involved

If you wish to be involved in providing information for consideration for the 2021 Census of Agriculture, please contact us by email by August 1st, 2017 at

You will then receive further information on the consultation process and be provided with a discussion questionnaire containing several proposed changes for 2021 and a submission form for your comments to complete by mid-October 2017.

Consultation workshops will be conducted across Canada beginning the week of September 11th, 2017. During the week of September 18th, 2017, Statistics Canada will also be hosting Webinar sessions that you can join by teleconference or WebEx.

While participation in the consultation process is voluntary, the information you provide will help Statistics Canada to meet data needs and take into consideration emerging social and economic issues related to the agriculture sector. Your input will be carefully reviewed and will assist in determining content for the 2021 Census of Agriculture.

Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of consultation participants. All personal information created, held or collected by the Agency is protected by the Privacy Act. For more information on Statistics Canada’s privacy policies, please consult the Privacy notice.

Anonymized comments collected during the consultation process may be published in the 2021 Census of Agriculture Content Consultation Report available on the Statistics Canada website in fall 2019.

Data users who have participated in the past by attending a workshop or submitting a written proposal include:

  • agricultural associations and producer groups
  • agribusiness
  • all levels of government
  • consultants and researchers
  • academics
  • special interest groups

Please note also that Statistics Canada will be presenting an overview of the 2021 consultation process during a half-hour Webinar (WebEx presentation) Tuesday July 11th, 2017 (1:00PM EST in English, 2:00PM EST in French). You are encouraged to join us by teleconference and WebEx.

To connect to this presentation:

Login to WebEx –

  1. If requested, enter your name and email address.
  2. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: Agriculture
  3. Click “Join”.

Teleconference –
Toll-free Dial-in number: 1-877-413-4788
Local Dial-in number:  1-613-960-7513
Conference ID: 993 380 2

Statistics Canada would appreciate your help in forwarding this invitation to the appropriate persons in your organization who may wish to participate in the process of identifying data requirements and provide content suggestions. We invite you and members of your organization to participate to the 2021 consultation process and look forward to hearing from you.

Allison Nelson,
on behalf of the 2021 Census of Agriculture Content Determination Team.

Canada 150 Garden Opens at Alberta Legislature

Just in time for Canada Day, Landscape Alberta was on site on June 29th to officially open the Canada 150 Rose

Garden at the Alberta Legislature.  The garden features 150 of the new Canadian Shield Rose, with 13 of those (one for each province and territory) being featured in a central, maple leaf shaped natural stone raised planter.   Premier Notley, Minister Mason, and David Shepherd MLA were all on hand to thank the member of Landscape Alberta for the amazing gift to the people of Alberta.

Thank you to all of the volunteers and donors that made this legacy garden possible.

Expocrete, an Oldcastle Company
JVR Landscape (2006) Inc.
Burnco Landscape Centres
Seven M Construction Ltd.
Finning (Canada)
APS Landscaping Inc.
Terra Landscaping Ltd.
The CAT Rental Store
The Jansen Group Ltd.
Fantascapes Landscaping
Heritage Nurseries Ltd.
Manderely Turf Products
Land Tec Landscape Contractors
Classic Landscape Centre
Green Drop Lawns
Park Landscaping
The Cedar Shop
TNT Contracting Ltd.

Alberta Legislature Rose Garden (youtube):

CTV Edmonton (scroll to 10:49):

Global Edmonton (scroll to 12:49):

Press Release: Community effort instrumental in creating a beautiful park for residents to enjoy

Community effort instrumental in creating a beautiful park for residents to enjoy

 June 26, 2017 – For immediate release

Chestermere, AB – After months of hard work and dedication from generous volunteers, landscaping companies, contractors and staff, a new park at the corner of Rainbow Road and Chestermere Boulevard is nearing completion.

Every time we see a new Park being developed in our community it’s exciting but this time was truly special because of the heart that has gone into it through community volunteers,” said Mayor Patricia Matthews. “We can’t thank them enough for working so closely with the staff at the City to create a truly spectacular entrance to Chestermere!”

In 2016, the City began work on the park including the addition of the new Riedbuilt Centre for Community Leadership (RCCL) building that provides a home for Synergy and other local non-profit organizations. Other components of the project included the construction of a parking lot, pathways and a sidewalk on Rainbow Road.

“During the summer of 2016, Synergy committed to landscaping a small three meter perimeter around the Centre for Community Leadership.  After reaching out to local landscape companies for ideas, what they offered surpassed our wildest dreams,” said Patricia Sproule, Executive Director of Synergy.

By early 2017, several companies got involved in designing and implementing landscaping ideas for the space. Determined to provide an outdoor environment that would be welcoming to visitors and create an attractive entrance into the City, these companies have generously supplied time and contributions to make the vision a reality.

“The Park would not have been possible without the companies and volunteers who donated their time and materials to this project,” says Kathy Russell, Parks & Recreation Manager at the City of Chestermere. “Everyone who contributed made this a beautiful community space for all to enjoy.”

A grand opening and donor recognition event for the new park will take place September 22, 2017. Stay tuned for more details.

Thank you to the following who have generously donated their time, equipment and materials:

Landscape Alberta*
Foothills Nurseries Ltd.
Alpha Better Landscaping Inc.
Pollyco Group
Eagle Lake Nurseries Ltd.
Manderley Turf Products Inc.
Eagle Lake Landscape Supply
Saunders Construction Ltd
Alta West Tree Movers
Heatherglen Golf Course
Brazel Construction Ltd.
ULS Maintenance & Landscaping Inc.
Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc.
Homescapes Complete Landscape Construction
The Grounds Guys
Burnco Landscape Centres Ltd.
Top Spray
Kiwi Irrigation Ltd.
Wheatland Trees Ltd.
Foothills Landscaping (2000) Ltd.

*Landscape Alberta was responsible for the coordination of the donations from landscaping companies and volunteers.


For more information, contact

City of Chestermere
Megan Matthies
Communications Team Lead
(403) 207-7036

Landscape Alberta
Kyla Hardon
Communications Coordinator
(780) 489-1991 ext. 106

Olds College to See Increased Seats for Horticulture Students

To stay in line with industry and student demand, Olds College is increasing the capacity of its Horticulture programs. In 2016, the program received 83 total applications with a capacity of 30 students. In 2017, student capacity will be expanded to 50 available seats.

Olds College has offered programs within the Horticulture field for over 50 years, exploring the production and management of plants, the management of pests, landscapes, soils and water systems to achieve productive and sustainable systems.

“Olds College has a history of offering programs that reflect the importance that we place on the world around us,” explains Dr. Jason Dewling, Vice President of Academic and Research. “Sustainability, water management, production horticulture and urban agriculture are all areas that are seeing significant growth in interest, and as experts in the field it is our responsibility to ensure that we have enough spaces available to students to meet industry demands.”

The College offers three Horticulture designations – a Horticulture Technician Certificate, presented after the first year of study, a Horticulture Technologist Diploma after the second year of study, and a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree after four years.

“Olds College’s Horticulture program is unique, with a blended curriculum of online delivery, face to face inquiry based learning, hands-on learning, to go along with industry field schools,” explains Dalin Bullock, Dean of Animal Sciences and Horticulture. “Graduates will be prepared to apply their knowledge and skills in the areas of horticulture crops, landscape design, construction and maintenance.”

The decision to increase the capacity of the Horticulture program comes on the heels of the College’s announcement of the establishment of an increase in the College’s Agricultural Management program, reflecting the increased need for skilled and knowledgeable in these key programs.

“Sustainability, water management, production horticulture, and urban agriculture are vital elements of the world in which we live,” explains Bullock. “Increasing the availability of seats in these programs reflects the growth in the Agriculture and Horticulture industries, and we will continue to see this growth as the demand for food continues to escalate due to population growth and potential environmental factors.”

Applications for the 2017 intake for the Horticulture Technician Certificate are still being accepted, but space is limited, so students interested in the program are urged to apply early.

Updated: Alberta Greenhouse Rebate Program (AGRP) Info Session – How to get 80% of Eligible Heating Costs Back

The Alberta Greenhouse Growers Association along with Landscape Alberta and Alberta Agriculture & Forestry will be hosting a webinar for information on the AGRP as we approach the first application opening on July 1st. More info on AGRP can be found here.

Drew Hiltz and Arvind Cheniveerappan from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry will be leading participants through the program guidelines and the application process answering any questions or concerns about how to apply and what qualifies under the AGRP.

Arvind is the Greenhouse Rebate Program Specialist for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry and the Government of Alberta. Arvind has worked progressively as a horticulturist in India, Ethiopia, USA and now in Alberta, Canada. With an MBA and 17 years of experience and knowledge, he is well versed with the project and business management of the greenhouse production industry. Drew is the Manager of the Rural Initiatives Unit for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. Drew is passionate about rural development working in the field under various capacities throughout his career in private, public and not-for-profit environments.

For AGGA and Landscape Alberta members the webinar will be recorded and made available for re-watch at any time.

The Webinar is June 7 2017, at 11:00 am MT. 

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap:

    +1(587)3164436, 6488263480# Calgary, AB

    +1(780)6669719, 6488263480# Edmonton, AB

 Or Telephone:

    +1 (587) 316 4436 Calgary, AB

    +1 (780) 666 9719 Edmonton, AB

    Meeting ID: 648 826 3480

At least five minutes ahead of the meeting ensure you have downloaded the Ring Central Meetings app –  and then call in at the appointed time.  Participation is limited to the 50 people – please register early to ensure you have a space.

Download presentation here.

View webinar here.

UPDATE: Call for Volunteers

We are looking for Landscape Alberta member volunteers to plant beds and spread mulch on Friday, June 23, 2017.

Landscape Alberta and a group of local landscape companies are working to build a new park in Chestermere, AB. We are converting the skateboard park, located at the corner of Rainbow Road and Chestermere Boulevard, into a premiere park for the community to enjoy. The vision is to develop a park which will foster community engagement and be a landscaping showcase for the City – all through the generous in-kind contribution of our time, talent and resources.
The idea, which originated with Synergy, coincides with the establishment of the Reidbuilt Center for Community Leadership, which is intended to support local non-profit organizations. Recently Chestermere City Council and staff have agreed to support this project and re-allocated funding for much-needed irrigation. A more robust landscaping plan has been developed, and the next step is to broaden the involvement of local landscaping companies to help make this exciting project a reality.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact Kyla for more information – or 780-489-1991 x106.

City of Edmonton Landscape Standards Update

Landscape Alberta was again invited to sit on the Landscape Standards review committee for 2017.  Along with members of UDI and City staff from various departments, the group reviews issues and suggests changes to the Landscape Standards. The City in the end has final say on all changes but are open to modification based on our feedback as stakeholders. This year there were very few changes to the landscape standard. There is the release of a new draft Top Soil specification that will come in to effect July 1, 2018.  All other changes take effect July 1 of this year.  Please note the changes take effect on projects tendered and bid after the effective date. The standards in place at the time of approval and /or work are the standards that apply to that job.

Highlights of changes include:

  • Identification of tree trenches on all drawings
  • Updated detail (LA101) for enhanced Tree Protection Zone
  • Increased setback to 6.0 m from field of play on sports fields and added requirement for top soil inspection at time of install for sports fields
  • Project Manager or consultant must now provide maintenance records for sports fields
  • Grasses in naturalized areas must maintain a minimum height of 100-150 mm during establishment
  • Median are now considered a possible site for naturalization and will not require a mowed buffer strip
  • Changed seed mix for non-maintained naturalized areas. It will be significantly more expensive with full understanding that this will be adjusted for in project bidding
  • CCC inspection season is approximated at June 1st to October 15th, with a new clause that “considerable snow coverage will result in immediate end of inspection season”
  • This same new wording also applies to FAC with original time lines in place
  • Streamlined the inspection timelines to be initiated within 30 days of Parks Pre-Screen approval.
  • Contractors must now provide maintenance logs for the period between CCC and FAC.
  • A contractor wishing to apply a pesticide on City property or property that is in the possession of the developer and has not yet received FAC, must first submit a completed Contractor Pesticide Use Notification Form to the appropriate service area. This must be sent at least 48 hours (not including weekends and holidays) prior, and be acknowledged by an email confirmation before conducting the treatment. If no response within two business days, the contractor may proceed. Please submit only one site per form. The Contractor Pesticide Use Notification Form may be found on the City of Edmonton website:
  • Updated reference to current edition of Canadian Standards for Nursery Stock, available free to members at

The top soil specifications will be undergoing a stakeholder review in the coming months with Landscape Alberta hosting a focus group session.  We will also be working with the City of Edmonton on a training/standards manual for landscape and tree inspections in an effort to improve consistency of inspections.

Summary of Changes