Snowposium Returns in 2017

Milton, Ont. (April 18, 2017) — While winter is barely behind us, Landscape Ontario’s Snow and Ice Sector Group andLandscape Trades magazine announced today that it will hold its Snowposium on Sept. 28, 2017. This single-day event will feature a trade show, outdoor demonstrations, speakers, educational sessions, and networking opportunities for professionals responsible to keep our roads, sidewalks and parking lots safe during the winter months.

“Given the business climate and challenges facing our industry, continuing education is increasingly important,” said Jamie Perras, Snow and Ice Sector Group Chair. “Landscape Ontario is striving towards another great event full of up-to-date information for industry professionals. We are looking forward to presenting some new programming and ideas this September, and we invite anyone involved in the industry to come out to the tradeshow.”

New for 2017 is a change in the paid sessions format; there will now be two streams of education sessions, with breaks for networking with peers and suppliers. The event will feature an outdoor trade show, open to all snow and ice management professionals regardless of whether they are registered for the paid conference sessions. Attendees may visit with experts at numerous exhibits to see new products for this upcoming winter, hear product presentations and discuss practical tactics for operational efficiency in various areas of snow and ice management.

The 2017 Snowposium will be held at the Landscape Ontario Milton office, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and will include:

  • A single-day trade show featuring the latest snow and ice equipment, technology and services from over 25 exhibitors.
  • Educational sessions (paid registration) with topics covering industry trends, contract language, slip-and-fall insurance, salt and liquids and more.
  • Conference registrants will receive a complimentary lunch.
  • Lunch tickets available for sale to all pre-registered professionals.
  • Face-to-face opportunities with leading-edge vendors at the trade show.
  • Outdoor demos for conference registrants.

With conference programming focused on the real-world business issues crucial to running a successful snow and ice management operation — managing risk, product innovations, insurance, cost control, slip-and-fall claims and a focused tradeshow showcasing the new equipment and technology — the 2017 Snowposium is anticipated to draw an audience of industry leaders including private, commercial and municipal snow and ice professionals, property managers, equipment and operations managers, key personnel, industry suppliers and more.

Proceeds from the event will go toward research on salt usage to ensure snow and ice management activities and equipment are up-to-date, finding the ideal balance between public safety and protection of our natural resources. The Landscape Ontario Snow and Ice Sector Group advises nine provincial chapters on the latest information and technology available to operate a safe and successful snow and ice management operations.

Registration and a schedule of events will be available at
For more information contact Amy Buchanan,, (800) 265-5656 ext. 329.
For exhibit space contact Darryl Bond,, (800) 265-5656 ext. 366.

April is Safe Digging Month

Alberta has a very comprehensive and complex underground infrastructure that provides essential goods and services to all Albertans. Each year, there are numerous instances where the integrity of this infrastructure is jeopardized by improperly conducted ground disturbances. Failure to Click, Tap or Call Before You Dig to have buried facilities identified and their locations marked prior to disturbing the ground, is the most frequent cause of buried facility damage.

 All ground disturbers, including contractors, homeowners and land owners, can save time and money and keep themselves and our province safe and connected by following ground disturbance and buried facility damage prevention Best Practices. These include contacting Alberta One-Call in advance of any ground disturbance project, waiting for the buried facility locates to be done, respecting the locate marks, exposing any conflicting buried facilities before using mechanical excavation equipment, and digging with care.

As April is the traditional start-up of the annual digging season, the Alberta Damage Prevention Council proclaims April as SAFE DIGGING MONTH and encourages all ground disturbers to always Click, Tap or Call Before You Dig. or download the mobile app or call 1-800-242-3447.

Life cycle cost analysis for storm water management

CNLA has contracted Equilibrium Engineering Inc., an Engineering Firm based out of Nova Scotia, to conduct a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for our industry. The end result of this project will be a document for Engineers and Architects to use to put a value to products (i.e. trees, shrubs, soil), which already exists for grey Infrastructure (i.e. concrete surfaces), but this information is needed for green infrastructure to help make choices in construction and planning.

The first pilot project will examine water, waste water and retention to help industry sell the benefits of a variety of onsite storm water management methods. A collection and review will be done on the typical cost of installing and maintaining the following items:

  • Living green infrastructure for medians, boulevards and related onsite capture,
  • Storm water ponds,
  • Primary water treatment using wetland technologies,
  • Normal irrigation costs, and
  • Grey water infrastructure

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

Canadian Landscape Standard updated with Canadian Nursery Stock Standard as appendix

The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects and the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association are proud to announce that the newly revised, ninth edition of the Canadian Nursery Stock Standard will, from this point on, be included within the Canadian Landscape Standard. In addition, we are pleased to offer revised editions of the Canadian Landscape Standard to anyone who has purchased the document since its release in March 2016 (to be mailed out the week of April 3, 2017).

150 Garden Experiences highlighted for Canada’s 150

In March, CNLA sponsored the Canada 150 Garden Experience awards, that were given out during the North American Garden Tourism conference in Toronto, Ontario. Each of the 150 experiences were highlighted as “garden ways” to celebrate Canada’s birthday year. CNLA encourages everyone to view the list and take part in as many as you can!
Included in the 150, were Parkland Nurseries and Garden Centre (Landscape Alberta member in Red Deer, Alberta), the International Peace Garden in Manitoba, Sheridan Nurseries (Landscape Ontario member with locations across Southern Ontario), the Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens and School of Horticulture, Pink Days in Bloom fundraising events, and 145 more. View the list >

City of St-Albert gardener in Laval QC preparing Wild Rose for MosaiCanada 150 Gatineau 2017

MosaiCanada 150/Gatineau 2017 in production thanks to gardeners from across Canada

MosaiCanada 150/Gatineau 2017, a Canada 150 project funded by Canadian Heritage, the Government of Quebec and the Ville de Gatineau, will be held from July 1st to October 15, 2017 in Jacques Cartier Park, a National Capital Commission park, partner of the project.

The project, under the leadership of Mosaïcultures Internationales de Montreal, consists of creating mosaïculture artworks as a major attraction/event to celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary.

The mosaïculture structures will celebrate Canadian Confederation, the Founding Peoples, the First Nations and our Canadian Heritage

Wayne McCutcheon, volunteer gardener from St. Albert in preparing the Wild Rose that will represent Alberta at the Exhibit in Gatineau and will be displayed in St. Albert in 2018

Gardeners from across Canada are at work in greenhouses of Ferme d’Auteuil located at 3185 Avenue des Perron, Laval Québec, the flowers in the mosaïculture artwork representing their respective province or territory.

Mosaïculture is a most spectacular horticultural technique that combines the following different art forms:

  • sculpture for the structure,
  • paint for the palette of colours, and
  • horticulture as the means of creating living and changing artworks with plants.

Mosaïculture structures representing the provinces and territories of Canada: these mosaïculture artworks have been designed in consultation with each province and territory.

After the exhibition, the structures will return in their province or territory to be displayed in 2018.

·        Yukon: Prospector – City of Whitehorse

·        Northwest Territories: Muskoxes – City of Yellowknife

·        Nunavut: Drum Dancer – Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association

·        British Columbia: Chief of the Undersea World (Bill Reid’s Killer Whale) – City of Coquitlam

·        Alberta: Wild Rose – City of St. Albert

·        Saskatchewan: Mosaïculture Artwork in development

·        Manitoba: Polar Bear – Assiniboine Park Conservancy

·        Ontario: Niagara Gateway – Niagara Parks Commission

·        Québec: Mosaïculture Artwork in development

·        New Brunswick: Horse in field – New-Brunswick Botanical Garden

·        Nova Scotia: Fisherman and dory – Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens

·        Prince Edward Island: Red Fox – City of Charlottetown

·        Newfoundland and Labrador: Puffins – Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden

The theme of the Gatineau exhibit will reflect 150 years of history, values, culture and arts in Canada, represented by some 40 different structures. Admission to theMOSAÏCANADA 150/Gatineau 2017 exhibit in Jacques-Cartier Park will be free.

“MosaiCanada 150/Gatineau 2017 will demonstrate Canadian savoir-faire and the creativity of the team at Mosaïcultures Internationales de Montréal, as well as of the representatives of the provinces, territories and our country’s indigenous peoples.  It is sure to amaze the hundreds of thousands of expected visitors.  For the 150th anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, we want to offer a spectacular, one-of-a-kind bouquet – a bouquet like Canada itself”

–         Lise Cormier, Executive Vice-President and Chief Administrative Officer
Mosaïcultures internationales de Montreal

Federal Budget May Impact Employer Paid Maternity Leave Top Ups

After a delay, on Wednesday Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau unveiled a largely status quo budget as the Liberal government attempts to prepare for policy changes in the U.S.

Among the announcements that could impact employers were an option for parents to receive EI parental benefits over an extended period of up to 18 months at a lower benefit rate of 33 per cent of average weekly earnings. EI parental benefits would continue to be available at the existing benefit rate of 55 per cent over a period of up to 12 months.

For employers, a review of maternity and parental top up policies would make sense as the extended period at the lower rate could have an impact on the top up amounts. Employer costs for these leaves could increase as a result of this change.

Canadians can expect to see a five-cent increase in EI premium rates in fiscal 2018 -19, up to $1.68 per $100 of insurable earnings, with some of that additional premium being used to fund expanded access to benefits.

In addition, as anticipated, Wednesday’s budget did not include a tax on employer-sponsored health and dental benefit premium.

As expected, the Liberals also announced that it would be phasing out the Canada Savings Bond program.

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Announce details for the Alberta Greenhouse Rebate Program (AGRP)

March 14, 2017 – The Alberta Government has made available the details of the proposed rebate on the carbon levy. Full details can be found here:

As previously announced this applies only to greenhouses heated with natural gas or propane, and only for eligible production area. Submission of Applications will be accepted during the following Application submission dates:

  1. July 1, 2017 – August 15, 2017
  2. January 1, 2018 – February 15, 2018
  3. July 1, 2018 – August 15, 2018
  4. January 1, 2019 – February 15, 2019

To apply a grower must fill out the application form, including a calculation for eligible fuel use.  Provide invoices for natural gas or propane for the application period and complete a mandatory producer survey.  Please note at this time the survey link only works in Internet Explorer.  Forms can be submitted by email or regular mail as per the application.

To be eligible, you must have a commercial greenhouse in Alberta with sales of eligible crops exceeding $20,000 in the 12-month period prior to application.  Eligible crops include vegetables, fruits, bedding plants, cut flowers, ornamental plants, tree seedlings, medicinal plants and other plants grown in commercial greenhouses. For further information, please contact Alberta Agriculture at 310-FARM (3276) or