Join us November 17-18, 2016 in Edmonton for the Green Industry Show & Conference

The Green Industry Show and Conference is back in Edmonton for 2016! Our amazing team of staff and volunteers have put together a conference programme aimed to inform and inspire everyone from designers to arborists, owners to students, growers to contractors. Our conference sessions are timely and responsive to industry issue – with an updated format for 2016 that focuses on variety with 32 one-hour sessions over the two days.

New this year are two full-day pre-conference workshops designed to fill the need of more in-depth technical level professional development. This year we have two sessions: one for Greenhouse growers, and the other for Landscape Designers.

Conference session highlights include pest diagnosis sessions with Dr. Ken Fry, landscape design process sessions with Gord Koch and Patrick DuChene. Mario Lanthier is speaking on tree pests and root management in nursery production, Paul Zammit with two sessions on edible gardens and winter container arrangements, as well as many more informative and engaging sessions on growing your business, managing work-life balance, improving performance and the latest and greatest in horticultural and business technologies. Everyone will find something to stoke their fire and those looking for continuing education credits will also find sessions to fulfill those needs.

Landscape Alberta members receive preferred pricing on trade show and conference registration. In addition to the educational opportunities, all conference attendees have access to the Green Industry Show. With over 250 booths, it is the largest green industry show in Western Canada and is an annual must-see event. For more information on the Green Industry Show & Conference and to view the full conference program, please visit

Registration opens in September!

Member Referral Cards

Landscape Alberta has prepared handy Member Referral Cards for potential customers looking for landscape professionals in their area. The card features the association logo and provides a link to our online member search at The cards are intended for garden centre and nursery members that want to help their customers find contractor members to provide landscape construction, design or maintenance services. If you would like referral cards to pass out to your customers, please contact Kyla at the Landscape Alberta office at  There is no cost for these cards.

Canadian Landscape Standards Now Available

The Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects are pleased to announce the release of the Canadian Landscape Standard (CLS) First Edition. The CLS is a single, authoritative resource for landscape construction projects across Canada. For the first time, there is a national guideline to set the standard of landscape work in every province across the country.

Volunteers in every province reviewed the CLS to ensure that it is user-friendly and represents conditions of landscape work in all climatic and geographic regions, making the CLS relevant and applicable to all regions of Canada and available in both official languages. The national CLS Steering Committee will remain in place to develop new sections and continually revise and update the document to ensure its accuracy and relevance. The CLS was designed for use by anyone who specifies scopes or bids on landscape work, including landscape architects, landscape designers, landscape contractors, grounds maintenance contractors and government procurement parks departments at all levels. As a benchmark standard for the landscape horticulture industry, the CLS will be an indispensable tool to the success of any landscape project that is designed, built and maintained to this nationally-recognized standard.

“This remarkable collaboration between the BCLNA, BCSLA, CNLA and the CSLA has successfully produced a nationally unifying set of landscape standards,” said Christene Stenhouse LeVatte, past President of the CNLA and Chair of the CLS Steering Committee, “with the goal to effecting better designed, built and maintained green spaces for our Canadian neighbourhoods, communities, towns and cities…. from coast to coast.”

To obtain a copy of the Canadian Landscape Standard (CLS), please visit the CLS web page:

Download the 2016 Landscape Awards Package

2016 Landscape Awards Package Now Available – click the following link to download: Landscape Awards Package

About the Landscape Awards Program
One of the most valuable resources that Landscape Alberta offers its members is the Landscape Awards program. It celebrates the remarkable work being done in the design, construction and maintenance of Alberta landscapes, and showcases projects that earn the respect and admiration of peers and clients alike. Each entry is evaluated independently by a panel of industry judges using set criteria – marks are earned for creativity, construction skills and horticultural practices. Projects that score very highly in our Alberta program are elevated to compete in the National Awards of Landscape Excellence (Canadian Nursery Landscape Association).

More information on this program is available here.