2022 Landscape Award Winners Announced

On March 30, we celebrated the winners of the 2022 Landscape Alberta Landscape Awards in Banff. Each year, we see beautiful, well-designed landscapes that truly showcase the best this industry has to offer. This year, stemming from 26 entries, there were 15 winners in the Merit category and 6 winners in the Excellence category.

We congratulate 2022 winners: Alpha Better Landscaping Inc., Delta Valley Landscaping Services Ltd., Jenron Creative Landscapes, JVR Landscape (2006) Inc., MaisonScapes, OnGrowing Works Ltd., Planta Landscape Inc., Salisbury Landscaping, Seasonal Impact Contracting Ltd., Terra Landscaping Ltd.

We would like to thank this year’s volunteer judges for taking their assignment seriously and giving so generously of their time and expertise: Andrew MacDonald, Lucas Steeves, Jeff Wilson, Chris Chetcuti, Bill Hardy, Christian Houle, Nathan Gill, Andrew Heighton, Mark Janzen and Wade McArthur.

National Award of Landscape Excellence Nominees
The National Awards of Landscape Excellence (NALE) recognize Canadian companies that have actively participated in significantly raising the level of professionalism in the landscape industry. Each province nominates members from the provincial awards of excellence competition that are then entered into the national awards.

This years nominees are: 

  • Terra Landscaping Inc. - Schiffner Residence
  • Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. – 4th avenue Flyover Park & Livingston Hub
  • Delta Valley Landscaping Services Ltd. - Devon Paragon Ballpark
  • Planta Landscape Inc. – Britannia Ridge Residence

Good luck to this year's nominees!  See the award winning projects by clicking here.

The 2023 Awards Package is now available for download. New this year; all active members of Landscape Alberta get their first entry for free! If you have any questions on the awards program, contact Kyla at kyla.hardon@landscape-alberta.com.

EI Changes – Effective Sept 24

This is a reminder that the temporary measures to make Employment Insurance (EI) more accessible during the COVID-19 pandemic will end on September 24th.  After September 24th, EI regular and special benefits (like maternity, parental, compassionate leave, and sickness) will continue to be available to workers, just as they were before the pandemic, as will other supports such as the Canada Workers Benefit. 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Canada has been there to support workers who experienced job loss or temporary job stoppage because of the pandemic. When the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) ended, the government transitioned eligible Canadians to Employment Insurance benefits or the Canada Recovery Benefits. A set of temporary measures were put in place on September 27, 2020 to support this transition and facilitate access to the EI program for a one-year period. The Government also froze EI insurance premium rates for two years so Canadian workers and businesses would not face increases to payroll deductions when unemployment was at a historic highs.

Budget 2021 announced a suite of new EI temporary measures to support workers when the labour market was recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and work was scarce or sporadic. This new suite of temporary measures took effect on September 26, 2021 for a period of one year:

·         a 420-hour common entrance requirement for EI regular and special benefits, with a corresponding common earnings threshold for fishing benefits and a lower earnings threshold for self-employed workers registered for special benefit coverage

·         all insurable hours and earnings counting towards a claimant’s EI regular benefit eligibility and entitlement, as long as their last job separation in their qualifying period was found to be valid. This supported workers, including multiple job holders, as the recovery firmed up

·         allowing claimants to start receiving EI benefits sooner by simplifying rules around the treatment of severance, vacation pay, and other monies paid following a job separation

·         enhancements to the Work-Sharing Program that were introduced during the pandemic to ensure they remained available to support affected employers and workers

These temporary measures will end on September 24, 2022 and the EI program will return to regular rules.

The Government recognizes that Canada’s EI system needs to be fairer, more flexible, and more responsive to the needs of workers. Work is ongoing to modernize the EI program. This plan must be directly informed by the Canadians who use EI and are invested in its modernization, and that’s why the Government consulted with Unions, employers, workers and other partners. Budget 2021 also provided $5 million over two years to support these consultations. These consultations recently concluded on July 29, 2022. The Government is analyzing the input received from stakeholders and Canadians, along with lessons learned from the pandemic and the temporary measures, to inform a comprehensive plan for a modernized EI that meets the current and future needs of Canadian workers and employers.

More details on the regular rules for the EI program that will be in effect as of September 25, 2022 can be found at the following webpages. We encourage you to share with your networks:

·         EI Regular Benefits - What these benefits offer - Canada.ca

·         EI sickness benefits: What these benefits offer - Canada.ca

·         Caregiving benefits and leave - Canada.ca

·         EI Fishing benefits - Overview - Canada.ca

·         EI maternity and parental benefits: What these benefits offer - Canada.ca

Find A Pro

It is that time of year again – spring has sprung, and homeowners are excited to get working on their outdoor projects. Each year, we get many requests from homeowners looking for contractors who can help them with their projects, many who come to us at the advice of garden centres or contractors just like you.

Landscape Alberta is happy to assist homeowners in helping them find a member using the “Find A Pro” feature on our website. We ask that you direct homeowners to the Landscape Alberta website (www.landscape-alberta.com) and click on “Find A Pro” to search our database. Or they can simply scan the QR code on the attached templates and be taken right to the search.

Attached are some marketing templates to share this information to your customers or potential customers that aren't a good fit for your services.

Find A Pro Templates

Update: International Travel Requirements

Update: International Travel Requirements

The Government of Canada has released an update around travel for Temporary Foreign Workers.

Quarantine Requirements upon arrival:

  • Unvaccinated workers are required to quarantine for 14 days beginning on the day of entry into Canada. The QIO imposes certain specific requirements when it comes to conditions for the place of quarantine, including that the worker needs to have access to a bedroom at the place of quarantine that is separate from the one used by persons who did not travel and enter Canada with that person and access to the necessities of life without leaving that place (Orders In Council – Search canada.ca Part 3 Section 2: Quarantine Requirements – Conditions).
  • Employers must provide a suitable place for quarantine for unvaccinated workers.
  • If, during the 14 days from their entry into Canada, an unvaccinated worker develops signs and symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19 on the molecular test that they are required to undergo in accordance with the Quarantine Order, they must isolate for a 10-day period which begins on the date of symptom onset, or the date the test sample was collected (as validated by the test provider) or the date of the test result (if there is no validation of the test collection date). The confirmed or suspected positive COVID-19 case must be reported to PHAC and the employer needs to provide a suitable place for isolation.
  • The QIO imposes certain specific requirements when it comes to conditions for the place of isolation, including that the worker needs to have access to a separate bedroom and bathroom as well as access to the necessities of life without leaving that place.

o   Requirements for unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travellers, including TFWs: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/2019-novel-coronavirus-information-sheet.html

  • Vaccinated workers are not required to quarantine for 14 days upon their entry into Canada. However, during the initial 14-day period from their entry into the country, should the worker develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive for COVID-19 they must isolate for a period of 10 days beginning on the date of symptom onset, or the date the test sample was collected (as validated by the test provider) or the date of the test result (if there is no validation of the test collection date). The confirmed or suspected positive COVID-19 case need to be reported to PHAC.

Please note that there is also a requirement for TFWs, whether vaccinated or not, to quarantine for 14 days if, during the initial 14 days from their entry into Canada, they have been exposed to a person, that they travelled with to Canada, who shows signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or receives a positive COVID-19 test.


Isolation Requirements in the post arrival period and beyond:
After the initial federally required 14-day quarantine period, the initial 14-day period from entry into Canada or other federally applicable isolation period, any worker with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection is required to isolate according to instructions from provincial/territorial or local public health authorities. Illustrative examples are below:

  • If a worker develops signs and symptoms of COVID-19, or receives a positive COVID-19 test result during the federally required 14-day quarantine period or the initial 14-day period after their entry, the QIO requires that they isolate for 10 days in a suitable place of isolation or accommodation.
  • In addition, the period of isolation may be extended for a new 10 day isolation period if the person tests positive for COVID-19 while in isolation and they were initially isolating for a reason other than having received a positive COVID-19 test.
  • If a worker becomes sick after the initial 14-day quarantine or other federally applicable period, they are required to isolate for the duration stipulated by local or provincial/territorial public health authorities. IRPR require that employers provide a suitable isolation accommodation, including a separate bedroom and bathroom that are solely for the use of the isolating TFW.

For detailed information regarding provincial/territorial or local quarantine and isolation requirements, please consult your provincial/territorial public health authority website.


Employer Accommodation Requirements Regarding Isolation of TFWs

At any time during the initial 14 days in Canada, should a worker show signs and symptoms of COVID-19, have reasonable grounds to suspect they have COVID-19, or receive a positive test result, employers must immediately isolate the confirmed or suspected COVID-19 positive TFW for a period of 10 days, even if the province or territory in which they operate has a shorter isolation period. Workers must, as per Part 5 of the QIO, follow the set of the requirements and conditions for a suitable place of isolation, including a requirement to have a separate bedroom and bathroom while in isolation.

Employers are guided by IRPR (section 209.3(1)(a)(xi)) which outlines accommodations  requirements for those who provide accommodations to workers during their entire employment period. Employers must provide suitable accommodations for TFWs who develops any signs or symptoms of Covid-19, including a separate bedroom and bathroom.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation. The Temporary Foreign Worker Program will continue to work with employers in ensuring that you remain informed of any forthcoming changes to public health requirements. Moreover, you are encouraged to visit Travel.gc.ca for regular updates

Year of the Garden 2022

Celebrating the Year of the Garden

You’re invited to join in the fun and “Live the Garden Life” during the Year of the Garden 2022, a celebration of everything garden and gardening related in Canada.

The Year of the Garden officially starts the first day of spring, and all Canadians – whether you already enjoy gardening, recently discovered the pleasure of spending time in a garden because of the pandemic, or want to learn more about how gardens impact so much of life – are invited to take part. There’s something for everyone to enjoy, celebrate our country’s rich garden heritage, and help grow important legacies for a sustainable future.

Supported by the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, The Canadian Garden Council, through its Year of the Garden 2022 initiative aims to inspire and inform Canadians about the many health and well-being, economic, and environmental benefits gardens and gardening provide, and along the way provide tips and tricks for gardening success and the enjoyment of gardens.

The Year of the Garden 2022 offers many opportunities to “Live the Garden Life” and get involved, enjoy garden experiences, and get inspired in the garden.


Parliament recognized 2022 the Year of the Garden in Canada with a motion of unanimous consent

The house recognize the 2022 Year of the Garden as it marks the centennial of Canada’s ornamental horticulture sector on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association.

Gardens and gardening contribute to the development of our country, our cities and the lives of people in terms of health, quality of life, reconciliation, inclusion and environmental challenges.

The Year of the Garden will engage gardeners, families, students, and tourists with: our garden culture and history, the importance of public and private gardens and our urban landscapes.

Media Release: Canada is the First Country to Celebrate Year of the Garden




Canadian Gardening Stats:

Nearly eight in ten Canadians show some interest in living in a garden friendly city – supporting our Municipal proclamation and Garden-Friendly City program

For a second year in in a row, 22% of Canadian have spent more time in their garden.

Seven in ten Canadians expect to spend about the same amount of time gardening in 2022 compared to the amount they spent in 2021.

66% of Canadians are likely to visit gardens when they travel.

Nearly all Canadians, 95%, want to live a healthy and environmentally friendly life…supporting our invitation to Canadians to ‘Live the Garden Life’ a healthy and environmentally friendly life.

96 % of Canadians realize that gardening can improve their mental and physical health

84% of Canadians believe that gardening can have positive impact on climate change.

Meeting in the Mountains Cancelled

With regret we have chosen to cancel Meeting in the Mountains due to the circumstance related to the ongoing pandemic. The ability for our planned speakers to travel was in definite question, along with recent changes to gathering restrictions and the lack of PRC testing for attendees made it difficult to have confidence in a live event at the end of March.

We have worked with the Banff Centre to postpone our event booking until March 2023 when we can best deliver the leadership retreat and awards event possible. We are working on plans for alternate delivery of some of the event content this year and will announce plans as the formalize.

The staff and board of Landscape Alberta are truly disappointed to postpone another live event, but want to make the best decision for all of our stakeholders.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The 2021 Green Industry Conference is Going Virtual!


Joel Beatson
Green Industry Show & Conference


Edmonton, AB – The Green Industry Show & Conference (GISC) will be proceeding as a virtual event, November 18-19, 2021, to ensure the health and safety of our attendees, exhibitors, and staff. The recent changes to COVID-19 protocols by the Government of Alberta has created a pathway to live events that was unlikely to be effective for our tradeshow and conference.

The Landscape Alberta Board of Directors deliberated over many possible options to make GISC happen live this year. In the end the consensus was to move the conference to virtual in order to best provide value to industry by offering targeted education to the Prairie horticultural industry.

GISC 2021 will features 14 hours of virtual conference sessions, including the inspiring keynote sessions: MARKETING IS ABOUT BELONGING:  THE UNSEXY TRUTH THAT WILL GROW YOUR BUSINESS with Alyssa ‘Twist’ Light and EMPOWERING LEADERS TO STRENGTHEN COMMUNITIES with Robert Murray.

There will not be a virtual trade show component to this year’s event and all exhibitors will have their booth fees fully refunded.   Our generous sponsors and advertisers will be offered revised opportunities or refunds as appropriate to their needs.

“It became clear that holding a live event this fall would not offer an optimal experience for our exhibitors and attendees – we pride ourselves on decades of success with this annual event and that continues as we plan for a live event next year.  The current trends of COVID cases in Alberta and the likelihood of further changes to public health regulations made planning for a live event in November nearly impossible.” says Joel Beatson, CEO of Landscape Alberta, host organization for GISC.  “Moving to a virtual conference this year allows us to best serve the industry and we look forward to returning to a live event with GISC  2022” he went on to say.

We have a great line-up of presenters online this year so don’t miss out! The entire conference program and registration portal can be accessed at www.greenindustryshow.com.

COVID-19 UPDATE – September 16, 2021

COVID-19 UPDATE – September 16, 2021

The Government of Alberta announced a slate of new public health measures last night to help fight the spread of COVID-19 in the province.
The following measures are most relevant to the horticulture industry.

Mandatory measure – Effective Sept. 16

  • Mandatory work-from-home measures are in place unless the employer has determined a physical presence is required for operational effectiveness. (All but some office staff would require physical presence in our industry)
    If employees are working on location, they must mask in all indoor settings, except while alone in workstations.

Mandatory restriction – Effective Sept. 4 and 16

  • Masking and physical distancing are mandatory in all indoor public spaces and workplaces. This measure extends to places of worship as of September 16.
    Employees must mask in all indoor work settings, except while alone in work stations.

The Restrictions Exemption Program (REP) begins September 20th. It will require businesses or private events open to the public to either implement REP or reduce capacity to 1/3 of the fire code.

Businesses that implement the Restrictions Exemption Program can operate as usual if they only serve people (ages 12 and over) who have:

  • proof of vaccination
    • single dose accepted between September 20 and October 25 if received 2 weeks before time of service
    • double doses required after October 25
  • documentation of a medical exemption
    proof of a privately-paid negative PCR or rapid test within 72 hours of service (tests from AHS or Alberta Precision Laboratories not allowed)

Businesses do not need to apply for the program. Audits and enforcement will occur to ensure rules are followed.
The Restriction Exemption Program would not apply to:

  • businesses or entities that need to be accessed for daily living
  • employees of businesses participating in the program
  • children under 12

For the Green Industry Show & Conference, November 18-19, 2021 at Westerner Park in Red Deer, we are still awaiting confirmation of how what path the venues will choose and then we can make the appropriate decisions about the event accordingly.

Stay safe!



Edmonton, AB – The Green Industry Show & Conference (GISC) will be proceeding as a live event, November 18-19, 2021, and for the first time it will be hosted at Westerner Park in Red Deer, AB. After a successful virtual event in 2020, what people want is GISC live and in person.

The central location for the event allows GISC to continue as the hub for the green industry on the Prairies. GISC will continue to offer an industry leading trade show along with top-notch education. This year’s event theme is “Let’s Get Together!”; not only in reference to the return to a live event but also the focus on the social aspect that everyone missed.

GISC will be more accessible to more people across Alberta with easier travel from north or south. Combined with ample free parking and multi-day or single day passes, the move will work to make GISC even better for all.

“A central location has long been sought for GISC, a venue however was elusive.  Coming out of the pandemic and looking for ways to bring everyone safely together again, now was the time to make it happen.  This is an exciting evolution of Western Canada’s largest trade show and conference, we are excited that the new venue will bring more people together. Together to learn, connect and grow.” says Joel Beatson, CEO of Landscape Alberta, host organization for GISC.

For 2021, GISC will include a 37,000 ft2 trade show, 10 hours of live education over two days, pre-show tours, the Growers Auction/Dinner, Tailgate Party, and AGGA Garden Party. Details will be released as they come available. All information and registration can be accessed at www.greenindustryshow.com.

For all enquiries:
Joel Beatson
Green Industry Show & Conference

Humboldt Urban Garden Sanctuary Breaks Ground!


June 3, 2021

Humboldt Urban Garden Sanctuary breaks ground today!

The first step in the construction of the Humboldt Urban Garden Sanctuary (HUGS) was taken. Over three years ago the community of Humboldt was forever changed by the tragedy involving the Broncos hockey team.

Landscape Saskatchewan, Landscape Alberta, and Communities in Bloom with support from Scotts Canada approached the City of Humboldt about building a garden to honour the victims and families. After setting the site as the Humboldt District Health Complex and creating a design brief, the steering group worked with Olds College students to hold a design event. The concept of Joy Newsham was selected and featured a variety of spaces and uses that would provide a garden that was equal part memorial and healing space.

The design was updated and turned into complete working drawings by Christyn Palazzo of Palazzo Designs in Regina. With an original build date of summer 2020 delayed due to the pandemic, the team is excited to get started on this impressive project. The garden will include accessible pathways throughout to enjoy the variety of trees, shrubs and flowers planted across the garden space. Several seating areas will allow for either gathering of friends and family or quiet reflection, the feature area will also include a custom art sculpture by local artist Murray Cook.

Construction is set to be complete by September 2021 culminating in an official opening to be determined based on weather and public health guidance.

Leslie Cornell, Past-President of Landscape Saskatchewan and Owner of Cornell Design & Landscaping in Moose Jaw says “we are extremely proud to be able to give back with this project, the tragedy in Humboldt impacted so many and we are thankful to help by creating a space of remembrance and healing for everyone touched by the tragedy”.

Yvonne Berscheid, Site Leader of Humboldt District Hospital “On behalf of Saskatchewan Health Authority, the patients, families and staff of Humboldt District Hospital, thank you to all those who had a hand in planning this garden, and all those who will help see it come to life. It is our hope that in some small way, this garden will help those who visit it find peace and healing. A place of reflection for many in our tight knit Humboldt community.”

John Zaplatynsky, Chair of the Green Cities Foundation says “We hope that by building projects like this across Canada, we will help educate the public and our politicians on the value of green spaces and the impacts to the community that they can provide – improving the mental health of the residents, helping to mitigate climate change by cooling our cities, and providing a safe and calming space to visit.”

“We hope that this garden will be a place for the community to gather, rest, rejuvenate, remember and enjoy, and that this space will inspire others to create and experience the restorative powers of green spaces.” Paul Brydges, Chair, Communities in Bloom.

“Barkman Concrete is honoured to support the Humbolt Broncos Healing Garden Project. May this garden help commemorate the lives lost. And may it truly be a place for all those affected, to continue their healing.” Alan Barkman, Chief Executive Officer.

 “The Healing Urban Garden Sanctuary reflects the value that Scotts Canada places on supporting our communities. We offer this garden to the Humboldt community as a means of healing their sorrows,” says Karen Stephenson, Director, Regulatory Affairs and Stakeholder Relations.

Project partners include Landscape Saskatchewan, Landscape Alberta, Communities in Bloom, Green Cities Foundation and Scotts Canada.

Garden donors include Burnco Landscape Centre, Expocrete an Oldcastle company, the City of Humboldt, Brandt, Barkman concrete, Palazzo Landscape Design, Manderley, Lakeshore Tree Farms, Snap Edge, Techniseal, Techo-Bloc, Cornell Design & Landscaping, Great North Hardscapes, Dutch Growers, in-lite Design Corporation, Red Deer Soils Ltd., and the Grazing Design for the logo creation.

The Green Cities Foundation will be collecting public donations towards the project – donations can be made online via www.gcfoundation.ca.

Carol Brons, mother of Dayna Brons, speaks at event

Foreground: Leslie and Ron Cornell planting first tree, Background: Michael Behiel, Mayor of Humboldt, Shelia and Roger Nordick, Committee members, volunteers with Communities in Bloom, and Murray Cook, artist.

L to R: Yvonne Berscheid, Humboldt District Hospital, Carol Brons, mother of Dayna Brons, Leslie Cornell, Landscape Saskatchewan and Cornell Design & Landscaping, Michael Behiel, Mayor of Humboldt, Shelia Nordick, Communities in Bloom volunteer, Roger Nordick, Town councillor and Communities in Bloom volunteer, Murray Cook, artist.

Media inquires:

Joel Beatson Executive Director
Landscape Saskatchewan
587-986-8466 or joel.beatson@landscape-alberta.com