Tree Pruning Workshop – March 28, 2018

Landscape Alberta Tree Pruning Workshop
March 28, 2018
Red Deer Golf and Country Club – 4500 Fountain Drive, Red Deer, AB T4N 6W8

Advanced registration is required before March 22, 2018. Register now

This workshop is for people who work in the nursery industry, as well as professionals who work in city municipal park settings or work on landscape developments that are future city properties.

Attendees will learn about various pruning techniques in a trees life, root development, biodiversity and weed control with pre-emergent chemicals and other intergrated pest management techniques.

The workshop is being led by Arnold Heuver of of Arnold Heuver Consulting who brings over 40 years of industry experience to this workshop.


$100.00 for Landscape Alberta members
$150.00 for non-members

Workshop Agenda:

Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) Updates 2018

Reports out of British Columbia are pointing towards issues with delays in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP). Applications are taking longer to process and work permits are back logged. Both of these factors are leading to delays in workers arriving in Canada.

  • There is a new application form to use for 2018. Only 2018 forms will be accepted. View the form.
  • You can request an update on the status of your application through Service Canada. Call 1-800-367-5693.
  • Effective January 1, 2018, new requirements will need to be followed to confirm that the housing provided to temporary foreign agricultural workers has been inspected, and that all conditions on the housing inspection report have been addressed prior to obtaining a decision.

For detailed updates visit, or visit the Government of Canada’s website for full program information.

Landscape Horticulture Charge-Out Rates Survey

The Landscape Canada Committee of the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association has created a “Landscape Horticulture Charge-Out Rates Survey”, and are requesting all landscape operators across Canada to take a few minutes to fill out this valuable survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather accurate and reliable information on equipment and job charge-out rates across Canada for landscape operators. Results of this survey will be shared with CNLA and provincial association members, and will provide industry charge-out rate averages for your demographic area.

Surveys will be due on March 31, 2018 – the information/data entered should be effective January, 2018. Only aggregate data compiled from the survey will be communicated.

Take the Survey

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Thank you for your time!

Ultra Violet picked as 2018 Colour of the Year

Pantone announced their colour of the year for 2018. With this announcement, there are plenty of ways you can showcase this colour in your work.
“A dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade, PANTONE 18-3838 Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking that points us toward the future.
Complex and contemplative, Ultra Violet suggests the mysteries of the cosmos, the intrigue of what lies ahead, and the discoveries beyond where we are now. The vast and limitless night sky is symbolic of what is possible and continues to inspire the desire to pursue a world beyond our own.”
Entire article here>

Landscape Company Accreditation

The CNLA Board of Directors has approved the Landscape Industry Accredited Company designation, an international program offered by CNLA and the National Association of Landscape Professionals. This program recognizes lawn and landscape companies for their commitment to excellence.
The landscape horticultural companies that meet the exacting criteria set forth in the application will be formally acknowledged by CNLA / NALP as a “Landscape Industry Accredited Company”.
If you are interested in applying to be a Landscape Industry Accredited Company, complete the application and follow its instructions. Please email Jason Young at with any questions.
You can download the application form here>

Let STEP Help Your Business

Last summer, almost 1400 employers benefited from the Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP) by providing about 3000 students with valuable work experience.

This summer, give your workforce a boost by hiring a STEP student. Providing a student with meaningful work experience helps bridge the gap between education and the workplace, and sets them up for success in the future. If you are eligible and approved, STEP offers a wage subsidy grant of $7 per hour.

Applications are being accepted now until February 9, 2018. This is a popular program so apply early. Check the applicant guidelines and download forms at

Get the details at an upcoming webinar
STEP grants provide eligible employers with a $7-per-hour wage subsidy to hire students into summer jobs. You can grow your business while providing a student with valuable work experience and transferable skills.

You will learn about:

  • Employer eligibility criteria
  • Student eligibility
  • Position requirements
  • Application and reimbursement processes

A live Q&A session will follow the presentation.

Who should attend:

  • Small businesses (1-49 employees)
  • Non-profit organizations, public libraries
  • Municipalities, First Nations, Métis Settlements
  • School Boards
  • Publicly-funded post-secondary institutions

Plan to attend one of 4 webinars offered from Jan. 9 to Feb. 1, 2018.

Find webinar dates and registration here. Space is limited – register now!

Landscape Industry Certified Technician Exam

The Landscape Industry Certified Technician designation provides individuals in the green industry with a means of proving a minimum standard of expertise in tasks typically required within the industry. Landscape Alberta provides Certified Technician exam opportunities in four specialty designations: Softscape Installation, Hardscape Installation, Turf Maintenance, and Ornamental Maintenance. Encourage and support professionalism in our industry – it’s a great way to invest in and grow valuable team members. After two years of August tests, the Certification committee took the industry feedback about the the timing of the event seriously.  Working with our great partners at Olds College we are able to once again hold testing during the off-season.

2018 Certification Exam – Alberta
When: February 23 & 24, 2018
Written exam: Friday, February 23 (evening)
Hands-on tests: Saturday, February 24 (7am – 4pm)
Where: Olds College – Landscape Pavilion, Olds, AB

Participants must register in advance – test preparation materials are provided on sign-up, so start the process now and be well-prepared for this upcoming exam opportunity! Register today by contacting Jason Young, Certification Co-ordinator at CNLA:, or call toll-free 1-888-446-3499 ext. 8620.

Registration Form

Have your say on the changes to Small Business tax

On July 18, 2017 the federal government introduced changes to small business taxes that will affect businesses across the country. Both the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and Canadian Federation of Independent Business have expressed their concerns to the federal government (also representing the voice of the landscape and horticulture professions). CNLA has prepared a draft letter for members of all provincial associations to customize and send to their Federal MP.

Request for Proposals to acquire CNLA Roses

CNLA is seeking to sell exclusive licensing rights to three roses previously acquired by the Association in 2010 as part of their takeover of the AAFC hardy rose breeding program. These numbered roses – a remaining few from the original thousands of seedlings acquired from AAFC – have been tested for cold hardiness and black spot resistance. See the roses >

CNLA is seeking proposals for a one-time purchase of each numbered rose. All commercialization details, including naming of the rose, and where applicable, sale price and royalty rates and collection of royalties will be the responsibility of the successful bidder.

The minimum sale price to acquire an exclusive license agreement will be $5,000 for each numbered rose.

Click here to download the RFP. The deadline to submit your proposal is December 8, 2017.